How To Resubmit An Expired Submission on the Broker Platform
If your submission has expired, you can resubmit it to get a quote without needing to start over.
The resubmit option can save you time by pre-filling the information you previously entered in the original application. Simply confirm all of the information is still accurate and answer any new questions that may have been added to the application.
Here’s how to resubmit an expired submission on our Broker Platform:
1. Find the expired submission
Use the search bar (top right) to find the business you’re looking for. You can also find expired submissions under the “Inactive” tab under the “Quotes” section.
Once you find the expired submission, click the small arrow (˅) under “Status.” There, you’ll find the “Resubmit” button.
2. Click the ‘Resubmit Application’ button
Once you click the button, you’ll see a pop-up notice reminding you that premiums and coverage may change. Click “Continue.”
3. Confirm all information is accurate
The application will be pre-filled with information from your original submission. Please confirm the information is still accurate and answer any new questions that may have been added to the application.
If new questions have been added to the application since your original submission, you’ll need to answer them before you can resubmit. (New questions will appear in red.)
Click “Resubmit” once all questions are answered.
4. Get an instant quote
We’ll provide a re-quote on the spot. Watch as quotes generate, and customize or bind them, as needed.